We have a jobs crisis in America. I heard a quote (don't know who said it) that "America does no have a work-ethic problem, we have a work problem." I hear opinions from some that the American worker is overpaid. We ship our jobs overseas why? Because we get cheaper labor. Some are calling for a lowering of wages to remedy this. "The job gets shipped because we can get a Chinese worker to do the work for $ 0.50/hour. You American workers should accept $0.50/ hour and we'll bring the jobs back."
I also hear that it is our tax policy that keeps jobs out of America. "Why would a company want to work here when we tax them so heavily?"
So if we are not the cheapest workforce in the world, and we do not have the most corporate-friendly tax policies, why should anybody set up shop in the US?
How about, we've got the best infrastructure in the world? (if this is not truly the case, me must make it so). How about, we've got the most educated workforce (if we figure out a way to lower the cost of higher education and improve our educational system overall). How about, we'll have the happiest, and therefore most-productive workforce? (which we could have if we respected them more and allowed them to organize) And what about the fact that America is the greatest consumer in the world? If you make the products here, you do not have to ship them. Plus we have greater quality control. I am a big fan of many things Asian, but industrialization and unrestrained capitalism have allowed that some Asian products came to market that did harm to some people and animals. Manufacturing in America can ensure greater quality control; increasing public safety and limiting company's liability.
There are two options in this wage war. Either accept a lower value for ourselves, or make ourselves more valuable. I vote that our policies be geared to making our whole country more competitive. Do we want to be the Nieman Marcus of the world, or the Wall-Mart?
(no offense meant to Wall-Mart)
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