If you tax the rich, they will not create jobs. That is why from Washington to Clinton there was no job growth in our country. It was only after George W Bush lowered the top marginal tax rate from 39% to 36% that we have seen such robust growth in our economy and such fiscal well-being.
This is, of course, bullshit. This argument assumes that the rich create jobs out of comfort and benevolence. "I have enough money and confidence that I can keep all my money that I now feel comfortable giving some of my money away to workers." This is not what creates jobs. The rich do not create jobs to share their wealth; they do so to increase their wealth. The only reason they add employees is to meet demand so that they can make even more money.
What makes demand? Middle class people having money to spend. Trickle down does not work. If you give me 10 million dollars, I will put 9 million in the bank (likely off-shore) and will only spend 1 million. If you give 10 million middle-class people 1 dollar, they will spend it and keep it moving through the economy.
The rich are not stalling on job creation because they are worried about the future tax rates. They are stalling because no one can afford to buy more products. Share the wealth, improve the economy. A rising tide lifts all boats right? Instead of focusing on lifting 1% of boats and hoping that it will bring the other 99% with it, why not try to lift 99% of boats and know that the other 1% will benefit as well.
Joe the plumber complained that Obama's proposal to raise taxes on those making over 250k/year would cost him money. Obama did not answer this correctly. The right answer to Joe would be, "Who pays you? You don't make your money in a vacuum; you need people with disposable income to hire you. So if we spread out the money, there will be more people to hire you, and your net will be greater." If we just let people like you, Joe, who make over 250k/year to hold on to all their money, the rest of America won't be able to hire you and soon you'll be among the poor as well. (The great irony with him was that he was A) not named Joe, B) not working as a plumber, and 3) not making nearly 250k/year. But that is another story.
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