The way to reduce the deficit is to take more away from the poor and the middle class and give it to the richest among us. That's the plan from the deficit commission? OMG, I can't believe these tainted people are even allowed to be on the commission. Many are paid by big-business interests. Of course they are going to be looking out for the rich.
Trickle down economics does not work. It's not lack of extra money that keeps businesses from creating jobs (reports show they have plenty of cash on hand)- it's lack of demand. Putting more money in the middle class lets it circulate around and create demand for all sorts of products. Give it tot the super rich and a little will trickle down to the gardeners, but most of it will go to the big banks, or worse to the offshore banks.
Bush put the tax cuts in place when we had a record surplus. Now we have record deficits. The tax cuts have to go! Especially for the super rich. We can raise the threshold to 500k, (so it only affects 1.7% rather than 2%), but to let them continue while we borrow money from China to pay for them is insane. Politicians, PLEASE fight for the middle class (and for America as a whole, because we are seeing America falling apart as our wealth disparity deepens).
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