This has been told to us so much that it must be true. Why then, people ask, has it NOT worked? This is because we have not gone far enough with it. The financial waters are too muddy to see the effect. I say we should give ALL of the money in the country to the top 1%. Let them lay claim to all our properties, possessions, 401k's, investments, etc. That way, if you ever do receive any money, you will be absolutely sure that it has trickled down.
(btw, A lot of Republican operatives like Tim Pawlenty assert that corporate taxes are still too high, although they are lower than they have been in the past 50 years. He asserts that Bank of America pays too much in taxes and needs more relief. Bank of American paid NOTHING last year, but saw record profits and doled out record bonuses. Did that money trickle down? No, it got invested overseas and in off-shore banks).
The problem with trickle down is that: if you give me 100 million dollars, I will spend 5 and save 95. Then that money is removed form the economy. If you give 100 million people one dollar, they will all spend it, keeping it circulating in the economy and creating jobs. I am not suggesting that we punish those with wealth. The rich are still getting richer. Returning us to the tax rates of the 1990's will not reverse their gains, it'll just slow them down a little and give the rest of the economy a chance to stay afloat.
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