We (well, most of we) are angry with the unrestrained power of big business and their overtaking of our political system, country, and economy. So there have been a bunch of people who have taken this anger and fear and begun camping out around the financial centers of the country (wall street, the federal reserve, etc). We are angry with Wall Street and big business, but we have absolutely no recourse against them. The purpose of a business it to make money. The objective of Wall Street is to take our money. They figure out ways around the rules in order to maximize their gain. They have even managed to re-write the rules to even further increase their advantages. They are horrible, greedy, despicable people.
But that is their job. The Supreme Court ruled that a corporation's first duty is to maximize profits. Wall Street is out of control and they CANNOT and WILL NOT control themselves. That is what government is for. We have no recourse to Wall Street. They do not have to listen to the public- only their shareholders. The government has to listen to us. So while it is fine to be upset with the greed, occupying Wall Street is not the answer. We need to OCCUPY CAPITOL HILL and all our local government buildings. We need to insist that they create rules to protect the public from the greed of Wall Street, or else we'll kick them out of office and put in others who will do that. It worked for the Tea Party.
Being angry at Wall St is like being angry at the basketball player who gets to the free throw line too many times on bad calls. That player is not going to say, "you're right, I forfeit my free throws because they are not earned". In that scenario, we need to be mad at the referee's. Our government is supposed to ensure the level playing field. It is they who have let us down. It is towards them that our anger and protest should be directed. And I think some politicians like the fact that we are distracted away from their culpability.
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