So I guess the argument is that the only way to create jobs is by killing the environment. There is no way that a big company like Georgia Pacific (a division of Koch Industries) could do business without destroying the environment and causing cancer for those who live around their plants. So that is your choice, either you can have jobs or you can have a liveable planet. It is absolutely impossible for Koch to exist if they had to safeguard the environment (well, it's not quite impossible, but it would cost them a small percentage of their HUGE profits, and that is unacceptable, so for all intents and purposes, it is impossible).
The EPA kills jobs just like the police kill jobs by arresting the drug dealers in my neighborhood. Those are some good paying jobs, similar to bank robbing. But the cops kill the industry. But, you say, that's different. We don't need to protect the drug dealers or the bank robbers because they don't pay taxes on that money. Well, the same goes for GE.
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