If you were able to create your ideal society, how would it be?
In terms of economy, would it be an Oligarchy, where a small ruling class controls most of the wealth and industry and the majority of the people were serfs, or would you prefer a society with a strong middle class? How many poor people would exist in your ideal world?
Would public policy be determined by everyone who was affected by it, or should it be written by whoever pays the most for it?
Would you prefer a market where companies can compete freely with one another, or would you create a system where companies can buy up all their competition and hold effective monopolies?
Would you want a place that preserved its natural beauty for future generations, or would you prefer to cash in as much as you could of the Earth's natural resources in as little time possible?
Would you want an economy where everyone had to work 40-80 hours/week, or would you prefer a system where one wage earner could make enough to provide for his or her family, leaving the other parent to supervise the kids? In your perfect world, how much free time should parents have to spend with their kids. If they should be working all the time, then who should raise and instruct our kids. Would you even care if kids other than yours were supervised/instructed?
In your setup, should everyone be self-made millionaires? Or should some people create industries and other people staff them? If the latter, how much credit (money) should go to the people who have the dream and how much to the people who make it happen?
In your perfect world, would you live in a gated community or would you prefer a world where you did not need a gate to protect you?
How many people do you want to have access to education and opportunity? Would you like everyone to be able to maximize their potential, or only those born into privilege?
How many years do you think a person should have to work to pay off a 4-year education?
How many of your neighbors do you want to be healthy?
How many of your neighbors do you want to be happy? How many do you want to be desperate?
Would you like a place where people could take risks and know that they will still be OK if they fail? Or do you want everyone to know that they are on their own and to not risk anything unless they are guaranteed success?
Would you like a world where science and knowledge are pursued, or shunned?
How many wars would be going on in your ideal world?
How polluted do you want your water, air, and food to be?
I think that this libertarian ideal is forgetting that we all must live together and that we do benefit from the well-being of those around us. No one exists in a vacuum, and I would not like it if we did. Shared work, shared reward.
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