So a group of rich and powerful people got together and said, "wouldn't it be great if we were even richer? How can we do that? Well, 150 million people collectively own as much wealth as the 400 of us, let's go after their money."
So they decreed, "hey middle class, we're going to ship your jobs away. Then when you get in trouble with your mortgage, we won't refinance, we'll just take your house. We'll charge you extra fees to use our banks (unless you have $20,000 in our banks, then these fees won't apply to you). We'll raise your health insurance premiums to the point where you either go bankrupt paying the insurance, or go bankrupt when you need medical care. Don't try going to the legislature. We have used our wealth to silence your voice and buy their votes. We've used our influence to suppress your ability to vote. Hell, we even own the courts and are trying to make it so you can't sue us when we screw you.
We'll dump our toxic chemicals in your backyard. We'll remove your ability to collectively bargain. We'll make it so that you are indebted to our big banks for 30 years just to get a college education. We'll award ourselves huge bonuses with the cash that you give to us as a bailout when we trash the economy. And we'll use some of that money to make sure that you do not have access to opportunities to advance.
And when the middle class realizes what's been done to them and declare, "Hey, we're getting screwed. Yo, rich A-holes, stop screwing us." Then that is class warfare.
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