Thursday, November 3, 2011

Another Analogy for the Occupiers

Wall street is a 2-year old who has never had any limits placed upon it.  It is a wild child.  Now it is in our house, tearing up the place.  Now the child does need to be redirected, but the real problem lies with the parents.  The kid will not and can not control himself.  That is the job of the parents.  A corporation will not and can not control itself (how much proof do you need?)  That is the job of society.  We band together and let them know what behaviors are and are not acceptable.  We use our government to formalize and enforce those rules.  Our protests need to be directed towards the parents.  Just like DCFS, if they cannot parent correctly, that responsibility/privilege will be taken from them.  Occupy your government.  Write all your representatives (not just the Democrats or Republicans, but ALL of them) and let them know they need to be responsible and control these kids.  Re-institute Glass-Steagel, abolish corporate personhood with a constitutional amendment that also states that money is not speech.  Put restrictions on lawmakers taking jobs or money from industries that they affected (even after they leave office).  Our democracy has been taken away from us and is now going to the highest bidder.  We need to get the money out of politics and put the power back in the people's hands- the way the founders intended.  Yelling at the corporations will not affect these necessary changes.  Yell at your representatives.  Boycott the companies. 

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