Sunday, June 26, 2011


If, in a society, a small percentage of people hoarded all the food, took way more than they would ever need and just socked it away, took so much that there was not enough food to feed the rest of society, then that society would die.  That is what is happening to our economy and the super-rich hoarding all the money.  If it happened with food, the people would either all starve, or at some point they would kick in the gates of the hoarders and take what they all need.  Since you can't buy food without money, the super-rich hoarders may be driving America to a revolt.  It's about sustainability people, and all this wealth drifting (being taken) from the middle to the top of our strata is not sustainable.  I am not a communist and don't think everyone should have the same regardless of effort or talent, but we now have a small number of people gaming the system and breaking it.  You can be rich, but not so rich that no one else can eat.

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